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Senior Spotlight (2023 2024)

This is such a special year for our seniors!
They are showcased in our annual Recital, and get to sign the prestigious Senior Locker!


My name is Hadley Manning, I am a senior and I have been attending Jan's School of Dance for 10 years now. Outside of dance I also play volleyball and run track. I first started dancing at Jan's when I was 7 and have loved it ever since. My mom heard about Jan's through a friend and I decided to try it out, I started with just ballet and tap but since then I have taken nearly every class offered there. What I love most about Jan's is how it feels like a second family to me, dance has given me some of the best friendships and girls to lean on while going through high school. ~ Hadley


I joined dance at Jan's when I was 4 years old and it immediately became my favorite parts of the week. I started off slow with just ballet, started adding on more classes like jazz and lyrical, and 14 years later I am fully committed to competitive dance. I love Jan's because it's different from the other studios in the way that you become close with the people you are put with because you stay with them. I have danced with the same girls my entire life, and we have grown a friendship closer than anything I've ever had! I also love Jan's because of how many memories are made aside of the dancing, like the annual Christmas party and other events! I'm sad to say that this is my last year, but the joy and excitement I feel for the coming season weighs heavier. I can confidently say I made the right decision when I joined dance and I will always be a Jan's dancer! ~ Paris


I started my dance career at age 4, and spent my early dance career at various studios until I found my permanent home at Jan’s. Although I have only been at Jan’s since 2018 it has always felt like a second home since the moment I got there. I found my passion for dance again and truly bonded with all the girls. One of my favorite memories I have at Jan’s are the Christmas parties, between the dressing up, the games, and the white elephant gift exchange. It has always been one of my favorite traditions while being at Jan’s. Jan’s will always be a place I keep close to my heart and I’m looking forward to my last year with my girls.  ~ Sydney



Hadley Manning

Paris Henney

Sydney Zuber

Beatrice DiRienzo
Hailey Goad

Grace Kelley
Cassidy Sozio


Emma Adams

Isabelle Hayes

Brooklyn Henney

Abby Vollmer


Kalyn Craig


Deanna Hardy

Morgan Briles
Makayla Day

Rachel Fisher
Caitlyn Sozio

Signing the Locker

A Senior Tradition Since 2019


930 N Congress Ave

Evansville, IN 47715



© 1959 - Present Jan's School of Dance

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